Humidities at home!

Humidities at home! Prevention is always better than a solution.
With such a harsh winter it is important to make customers aware, whether they buy or rent, that humidity is not a mere whim of winter and should not be neglected, unfortunately, it always has an associated cause, which must be found and solved whether it is of greater or lesser magnitude.
According to IPMA data, the last 4 months of the year had abnormal precipitation numbers reaching record values that take us back to 2002 values, then the end of the year (December 2022) was the hottest month in more than hot, which dropped an enormous amount of water vapour into the atmosphere.
The amount of water vapour outside due to the unseasonable rainfall and heat, as well as the fact that, in winter, the inside of houses is warmer than the outside and also due to the surface temperature of walls and ceilings in contact with the outside, results in a phenomenon of condensation. This phenomenon results from the encounter of warmer and more humid air with a cold surface. This creates favourable conditions for the formation of stains on surfaces, such as, for example, mould stains.
Dampness can start with condensation (a natural cause, caused by the dampness inside the property) and infiltration (associated to material wear or errors in the execution of the dwelling).
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Practical advice
- Whenever possible open the windows, daily, for at least half an hour, especially at times of greater solar exposure.
- Use the W.C. extractor after every shower, to avoid excess water on the walls
- Turn on the extractor fan while cooking
- Avoid hanging clothes inside the house or, if necessary, do it in a ventilated area
- Pull back the bedclothes to breathe before putting them back on, thus minimising the appearance of dust mites and bacteria
- Make preventive use of a dehumidifier whenever possible, thus eliminating excess humidity in the air
- Clean mould, if it already exists, with specific cleaning products, or with water and bleach
In short, the advice will always be prevention, because if you don’t do it, the costs will be heavy on your wallet!